Requisiti di accesso, obiettivi e sbocchi


Mandatory titles
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Obiettivi formativi specifici.

The Degree Programme in Business Administration has the following objectives:
- training experts in the accounting sector, providing them the skill to deal with problems of quantitative company determinations related to the economic-financial communication of companies and to the functioning of planning and control systems;
- providing solid basic knowledge to access the pathway for the profession of accounting expert (after passing the relevant state exam) and to cover positions of responsibility within companies, in particular in the business areas of accounting, administration, management control and finance;
- training professionals with a wide cultural economic-business background, which is essential for operating in companies and professions in the current context, characterized by a strong environmental dynamism and intense competitive pressure;
- combining solid basic professional skills with an innovative interdisciplinary approach aimed at analysing the structure and functioning mechanisms of companies;
- developing a broad, interdisciplinary and rigorous economic education, capable of integrating business and economic subjects, quantitative methods and law. In the Business Administration course, this integration is aimed to making graduates fully understand the operating logic and purposes of corporate information systems, in their connections with decision-making systems and evaluation of results, and to the capability of dealing with the most important administrative problems of private and public companies.
To sum up, the Degree Course in Business Administration aims to train graduates who can pursue a career as an accounting expert / business consultant or official in administration, management and finance control in public and private companies.
The above training objectives will be achieved in compliance with the following two fundamental conditions:
1) providing graduates with high professionalism currently needed in the world of work;
2) organising educational and training activities with an effective student/teacher qualitative and quantitative ratio, through which the course is effectively carried out, also referring to the completion time (thus considering the young age of graduates).

Graduates can achieve the learning objectives of the course by acquiring interdisciplinary analytical methods and critical interpretation of business structures, processes and dynamics.
In relation to the educational objectives pursued, after providing the necessary basic knowledge in the business, legal, economic and mathematical-statistical fields, the training course prepares the students to analytically deal with all business problems, giving particular importance, from a decision-making and control perspective, to accounting detection activities, financial choices, control processes and related company performance evaluation processes.
More specifically, according to what is analytically provided for by the study programme for the achievement of these objectives, the student is first provided with the essential basic knowledge of the economic-business, economic, legal and mathematical-statistical areas (business economics, accounting and financial statements, microeconomics, mathematics for the company, economics and business management, private law).
Within the study programme, in addition to the named subjects, more subjects are taught, all oriented to the development of skills related to the different functional areas of the company (planning and control, marketing, financial analysis) and to specific classes of companies (economics of public companies). The remaining subjects of the study programme refer to the business (technology and quality), legal (public law, tax law, commercial law), economic (macroeconomics, economic history) and mathematical-statistical (statistics) fields, aiming to provide the analytical tools and additional professional skills required for the professional opportunities of the course. In order to guarantee an adequate professional training for the Study Course in Business Administration, ECTS-credits are mainly attributed to the economic-business area (64 ECTS-credits), and basically distributed in a balanced way for the remaining three main macro-areas: 32 ECTS-credits to the economic area, 24 ECTS-credits to the mathematical-statistical area and 32 ECTS-credits to the legal area. The remaining 28 ECTS-credits are reserved for other activities.

The course allows students to modify their study paths, according to their personal preferences, by independently choosing 12 credits to be taken in subjects of their choice. In order to guide the student’s choice, a list of disciplines has been prepared to deepen further topics of interest in the field of business economics, helping to enrich the cultural knowledge and skill that characterises the resulting professional profiles at the end of the course.

Title conferred.


Language(s) of instruction/examination.